Thursday 25 February 2010

MJ's Kids Kick Butt At Karate!

I'm blinded by all the red umbrella-ellas!
Spotted: Michael Jackson's three precious kids, Prince, Paris and Blanket, leaving karate class in Encino earlier today...
Pretty soon none of 'em are gonna need bodyguards! They'll be plenty tough on their own. Sidebar, it looks like Paris and Prince are both at the same skill level - check out the yellow stripes on their belts! Wonder who could take who in a fight?
In other MJ news, the supposed 911 call of an LAFD medical worker calling the UCLA hospital has been determined to be fake.
Brian Humphrey of the fire department released this statement: "The audio recording that first appeared in the UK tabloid The Sun that purports to be a conversation between treating LAFD Paramedics and hospital personnel has been determined NOT to be the voice of any member of the Los Angeles Fire Department." He also says that the recorded convo does not demonstrate standard protocol when handling a medical emergency.
So much for that!

Such cute kids!

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