Thursday 8 April 2010

99 Problems but a clutch ain't one

Lessons ... Jay-Z and Beyonce

Lessons ... Jay-Z and Beyonce

JAY-Z is taking the ultimate bloke test - teaching his missus to drive.

The Jigga man has set himself the almighty challenge of training BEYONCE in the art of mirror, signal and manoeuvre.
The rap lord has been giving his other half driving lessons for a few weeks on the hectic streets of New York City.
So far there have been no screaming matches over reverse parking, sleeping in separate rooms after kangaroo hopping down the road, or long silences during dinner thanks to awful three-point turns.
Learner ... Beyonce

He must have the patience of a saint.
A source said: "Jay and Bey normally go out mid-morning when it's quiet.
"Their bodyguards are always in tow but they never ride in the car with them."


I don't blame them. The Bootylicious songbird has been well brought up but driving brings out the potty mouth in any learner driver.
And while she has some of the best dance moves on the planet, that doesn't mean she's a natural at reversing around a corner.
The rapper deserves a medal. Speaking from experience, teaching the other half to drive is worse than an SAS stress test.
But Beyonce is doing so well Jay is already eyeing up motors for her for when she passes.
My first car was a Renault Clio and I'd definitely recommend one of those for a new driver.
Jay-Z has his eye on a flashy Bentley but she wants something a little more sensible. A source added: "Beyonce wants something smaller and less pimpy.
"Money isn't an issue but she doesn't want to feel like she's driving a tank. She does want a car that's big enough to take out her family and friends if she needs to though." 

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