Wednesday 7 April 2010

Ash's New Girl: The Truth

Ashley Cole has been keeping a low profile since separating from Cheryl.

But The Sun says he's already moved on to a new woman.

Published as part of their Bizarre column, the newspaper has reported that Ashley is seeking comfort from Saturdays singer Frankie Sandford.

The Sun quoted a source as saying: "Frankie and Ashley have met on a number of occasions over the last few weeks.

"They enjoy staying in watching films and eating takeaway Nandos. Ashley has found a good pal in Frankie, he really enjoys her company. She is fond of him as well."

But Frankie has flatly denied the rumours via her Twitter page.

Writing just hours after the story broke, she argued: "Really upset and angry by the story in The Sun. Can't believe they can just print something that's not true. I've never even met the man."

In fact, Frankie has recently broken a month-long silence from her Twitter page, following a spate of false rumours about her love life. On 2nd March she posted a tweet to fans explaining why she was disappearing: "I'm sorry to say but I'm taking a break from twitter for a while. The abuse following untrue stories is just too much to take."
Phew, glad that's all cleared up.
Meanwhile, Cheryl continues to show Ashley what he's missing

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